Perfect party game for 10-12 players! |
Purpose of game: guys want 4 guys on the couch & girls want 4 girls on the couch.
These are the rules:
1. Create a circle with chairs & one couch, enough seats for everyone playing plus one extra seat. Two girls and two guys start off by sitting on the couch, while everyone else sits in the chairs (alternating guy/girl/guy/girl).
2. Everyone writes their own name on a separate piece of paper. Mix up the names & redistribute one to each player (it's okay if you get your own name).
3. The person to the right of the empty seat calls out a name of someone in the circle. Whoever is HOLDING THAT NAME (not the one whose name it actually is) gets up & moves to the empty seat.
4. The person who called the name and the person who sat on the chair, then exchange papers with names on it (that way the same name does not stay with the same person...it makes it more challenging!).
5. The person to the left of the new empty seat calls a name & the process continues. (The same name cannot be repeated twice in a row).
Again the purpose is for the guys to get the two girls off the couch & vice versa.
Makes for a super fun adult memory game that's harder than ya think : )