Nine days in.
No. 1 Watch more documentaries
No. 2 Use the library more
No. 3 Run in at least 3 races this year (St. Pattrick's Day Dash, Color Run, Hot Chocolate Run, Magnuson Run, SeaFair Torchlight parade Rock n Roll Seattle half Marathon) I think this is a great way to stay active, have fun, & engage with the city
No. 4 Spend more time exploring & enjoying Washington State (hiking/camping)
No. 5 Keep growing my hair out
No. 6 floss more & actually go to the dentist!
No. 7 Don't be such a jollywop when it comes to keeping the house clean.
No. 8 Keep a budget/be mindful of spending
No. 9 Walk Ebony more frequently
No. 10 Spend more time with our neighbors
Not a failure if I don't do these - but it's nice to cast some vision.