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Thursday, January 9, 2014

New Resolutions

Nine days in. 

No. 1  Watch more documentaries
No. 2  Use the library more 
No. 3  Run in at least 3 races this year (St. Pattrick's Day Dash, Color Run, Hot Chocolate Run, Magnuson Run, SeaFair Torchlight parade Rock n Roll Seattle half Marathon) I think this is a great way to stay active, have fun, & engage with the city
No. 4  Spend more time exploring & enjoying Washington State (hiking/camping)
No. 5  Keep growing my hair out
No. 6  floss more & actually go to the dentist!
No. 7  Don't be such a jollywop when it comes to keeping the house clean. 
No. 8  Keep a budget/be mindful of spending
No. 9  Walk Ebony more frequently
No. 10  Spend more time with our neighbors

Not a failure if I don't do these - but it's nice to cast some vision.


How'd I do?

New Years Resolutions from last year -
Learn to ski yep, I made this one happen.
- Learn some basic graphic design skills (for cards/invitations/& blog) ish, I have resorted to PowerPoint for now & you better believe I can (crudely) make some stinkin' cute cards/crafts
- Read through The Chronicles of Narnia done.
- Interview at least 10 people pretty much, I treated a bunch of my coworkers to coffee dates & got to ask them about life/work experience etc. 
- Take more mini-vacations (Vancouver, Boise, Whidbey Island, San Juan Islands, Oregon Coast, Leavenworth, The Tulip Festival) more than half - that's pretty good! The Tulip Festival & Vancouver were my favorites! I'll have to save the rest for 2014. 
-Make a wedding book album/coffee table book I think a year+ late, but yes, done. 
-Stick to a budget hmmm, not mindfully anyway. I may re-up this one.  
-Grow my hair out : ) slowly slowly but surely. 

A New Holiday

Epiphany is celebrated on January 6 & as Wikipedia elaborates, it is the celebration of the revelation of God the Son as human being in Jesus Christ. Western Christians commemorate principally the visit of the Magi to the Baby Jesus.

Our good friends, ED & SK invited us & another friend to join them in their tradition of celebrating this significant day, 12 days after Christmas (so that's where the song comes from...). 

They graciously served us amazing chicken marbella & quinoa. 
They cheered to this delicious feast.
 Afterward, we followed some of ED's family's traditions:

Part 1 - THE CAKE

We each partook in decorating the cake.
Earlier, ED had baked a ceramic figure into the cake - which you hope ends up in your slice.
To help make things fair, the youngest of the group (in this case none other than Mr. Fleece) goes under the table & calls out whom each piece of cake will go to. 

Part 2 - The Crowning of Royalty

The ceramic lion figurine ended up in Mr. Fleece's piece of cake (did he cheat?) - which meant he was crowned as one of the three kings. 
 He then picks two others (wisely choosing his wife & the hostess) to join him in royalty (thus representing the three kings/magi) & each person gets to open up a gift. 

I'm a gal who loves traditions & parties, so I believe I will be celebrating this in the years to come - cake, crowns, gifts & all. Additionally, it's a great opportunity to spend time with friends post holiday season!


IKEA makes the world go round

IKEA will forever get an A+ in colors & patterns.By adding just three new fluffy pillows & one massive window curtain (that is secretly a shower curtain), my two main living spaces have received the perfect pop of fun.  Thanks, Goodwill for carrying these specific IKEA items: 

...always a good thing

um yes. 

makes me happy!

P.S. I'm still in love with this IKEA slipcover for our couch.