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Monday, September 29, 2014

If I went on America's Next Top Model

Apparently this is the transformation I would have received...


That's how my friend described this haircut : )

Bang envy no more. 


Monday, September 15, 2014

She's beauty & she's grace

Yesterday I watched my friend from middle school represent Oklahoma in the Miss America competition. Alex & I danced together from 7th to 9th grade & let me tell you, this gal has a heart of laughter & funk : )

To prep for the big event, Mr. Fleece & I watched Sandra Bullock in Miss Congeniality, perhaps one of the wittiest non-rom-com comedies there ever was. Gracie Hart says it well - 

Kathy Morningside: New Jersey, as you know, there are many who consider the Miss United States Pageant to be outdated and anti-feminist. What would you say to them?

Gracie Hart:I would have to say - I used to be one of them. And then I came here and I realized that these woman are smart, terrific people who are just trying to make a difference in the world. And we've become really good friends. I mean, I know we all secretly hope the other one will trip and fall on her face, and - wait a minute, I've already done that! And for me this experience has been one of the most rewarding and liberating experiences of my life. 

Miss Oklahoma won the preliminary swimsuit fitness & lifestyle competition & made the top 10! Way to go, girl!
Miss New York ended up winning the competition. 
Makes me want to find more occasions to wear a gorgeous gown,


Saturday, September 6, 2014

I couldn't be happier

Over two years in Seattle & I keep uncovering new gems. I never want to leave this city.

Phenomenal views plus a behind the scenes look at Seattle's original Wonder Bread sign. Topped off with a scrumptious meal & cut-throat cribbage : )
I will never tire of beautiful views & interesting art. Seattle has a lot of both. Will have to come back to either run or rollerblade around the park.
 I finally checked out the Beacon Food Forest at the sincere jealously of Miss Boston. Essentially a top notch edible community garden.
Next time I want to lay out - come here. It's so beachy.
Tomorrow I staff the Waterfront Seattle booth at the Hawaiian Festival in Seattle Center. 
Should be fun. 

Also, Mr. Fleece & I discovered a secret garden just 5 blocks from our house. 
Next time you come over we'll have to show ya : ) 

Seattle suprises.