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Monday, November 27, 2017

Bookwormhole | November

My reading game has been strong this year (33 books and counting!) I tend to read and move on to the next one clickity click as if my enjoyment of reading is just a never-ending checklist. In an effort to honor my high school English teachers and engage in some critical thinking, I've decided to jot down some thoughts/highlights/quotes from every book I read moving forward. Not quite a book review, but just something to stir my thoughts if five years from now I'm trying to remember if I enjoyed a book and what stood out to me. I often articulate my thoughts best in writing, but enjoy sharing them with others once articulated :) So if you ever want to go to coffee to discuss a book or join me in reading one together, just let me know. I'm currently curating my book list for 2018.

Here are the books I read in November along with a few lines from each that struck me.

1. Cannery Row by John Steinbeck
This is a quirky read, but it's more evidence that I enjoy Steinbeck's descriptive writing style. His word choice and imagry is unmatched, making even the mundane seem remarkable and captivating. He does this scene by scene but also weaves this throughout the book. We'll be following the main characters in one chapter and then the next will feature an unconnected soul whose brief cameo helps further paint the atmosphere and essence of Cannery Row.

"Cannery Row in Monterey in California is a poem, a stink, a grating noise, a quality of light, a tone, a habit, a nostalgia, a dream."

"And perhaps that might be the way to write this book - to open the page and to let the stories crawl in by themselves."

"For Monterey was not a town to let dishonor come to a literary man."

"Cats drip over the fences and slither like syrup over the ground to look for fish heads."

"Mack and the boys - the Virtues, the Beatitudes, the Beauties. They sat in the Palace Flophouse and they were the stone dropped in the pool, the impulse which sent out ripples to all of Cannery Row and beyond..."
2. The Myth of Equality: Uncovering the Roots of Injustice and Privilege by Ken Wytsma
A great read to better understand the origins and examples of racism, white privilege, and implicit bias. Lots of good thoughts stored up in these pages, here are some of the key nuggets -

"Everyone has a voice, and we don't need to speak for them. Instead we need to understand and address the processes that steal their voices or the reasons we aren't hearing them."

"Instead of putting energy into denying that we're racist, a more transparent and honest response might be to admit our desire to be free from racist thinking - and commit ourselves to searching for latent forms of bias within ourselves and trying to address them."

"Many people still use the word colorblind. It used to be a common phrase for talking about a post-racial way of living. The truth is, however, that not seeing skin color is a form of not seeing reality. Reality not seen is reality that cannot be affirmed. "Colorblindness" is a way we remain blind to the many subtle ways we're still dealing with a white standard. Colorblindness can lead to a comfort in not seeing or not calling out the need for diversity where it belongs."

3. The Sun and Her Flowers by Rupi Kaur
Poetry is rarely on my list - maybe one book a year (last year was Grief is the Thing with Feathers), but Kaur's collection was approachable, relatable, and influential. I enjoyed her various metaphors, the floral/gardening motif throughout, and the topics she chose to explore: family, abuse, self-loathing & self acceptance, hardship, love, sex, restoration, immigration, beauty, brokenness, and more.

But your skin can't help
carrying as much sun as possible

It is a trillion-dollar industry that would collapse
if we believed we were beautiful enough already

If you have never
stood with the oppressed
there is still time
- lift them

despite knowing
they won't be here for long
they still choose to live
their brightest lives
- sunflowers
4. I Don't Know What you Know Me From: Confessions of a Co-Star by Judy Greer
I've read most of the I'm-a-female-celebrity-so-now-I'll-write-a-book memoirs (i.e. Bossypants; Yes, Please; Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me; Scrappy Little Nobody) and I think this is one of my favorites. It didn't tap into the crude or I'm-trying-too-hard categories which I appreciated. Instead, Judy came across as down-to-earth with her light-hearted, humorous stories. She splits her book into three sections: Early Life, Hollywood Life, and Real Life. We learn of her Detroit-ish background, how she ended up at an acting school, what her day job is really like, and how she balances being a stepmom. Other favorite parts include the "Random Judy Texts" chapter, her trip alone to Spain and the "alone" conversation with her driver, her list of alternative careers she would have thrived in, and the best pieces of advice she's received, featuring this classic:

"Wear your underwear over your tights; it will keep them from sagging" - Mom

Thinking back to the Accelerated Reader program at my Elementary school,


Saturday, November 25, 2017

Chapter 5 | Clothes Upon Clothes

That same summer, I also landed a job with Buffalo Exchange, a buy, sell, trade retail store. I still have the layout of the Austin store etched in my mind and can recall quite a few fashion scores during my brief tenure. I worked the floor - rotating between a greeter, dressing room attendant, and runner putting back clothes/helping people browse. Overall, a few things stand out to me:
1) Working with all sorts of people...with all sorts of styles! I was still fairly shy and reserved at this point in my life (still am), so working with a bunch of people who had been working with each other for a long time wasn't super easy to walk into, but people on their own were friendly & kind. I just perceived them as all being very cool & edgy. 

2) We had displays around the store that individuals would style and arrange. One key rule was "no lifesaver displays." Lifesavers as in the candy - meaning no grouping clothes together based on color. Cut, fabric, print - yes. Colors - no. 

3) People love/hate the buyers because they judge all your clothes and people would leave ticked off when none of their wardrobe was purchased. The fun thing was - staff members would get first pick and could reserve anything that came through the store before it went out on the shelves. Coworkers of mine scored some pretty unique dresses, shoes, vests, etc. 

4) One of my favorite things about Buffalo Exchange is the education piece. Once a month managers would hold an all-staff meeting and talk about fashion, give presentations on current trends (like old school approach - poster collages with magazine cutouts), and explain different labels and what stores they originated from. They also talked through pricing so that they were more consistent and would pull examples from the current inventory to show 'errors' and talk through why a sale piece didn't sell and probably should have been priced at a lower point or not taken at all. 

5) It was incredibly fun getting to wear whatever I wanted to work. I had a funky/vintage flair to my style at this point in my life. At times I want to revive this girl & bring her back into action. 

If I was giving a presentation in fall 2017, here's what'd you see on my poster:

Kicking myself for not buying this dress.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Chapter 4 | Let's Get Coffee

The summer after my freshman year in college I made a pretty big decision to stay in Austin for an internship with my church. Even though Mr. Fleece would be back in our home town for the summer, I thought this was the best choice for me. I ended up living in an extra bedroom in the home of my pastor & his wife up in Steiner Ranch, about a 30 minute drive to and from downtown. Lots of sweet memories from that summer in Austin...including BINGO.
I was a Connections Intern - helping welcome, connect, follow-up with, and answer questions from people that visited our church. Hill Country Bible Church UT was a church specifically planted to reach college students at the University of Texas for the gospel of Jesus Christ. This meant that about 85% of our people were college students and the other 10-15% were recent graduates or families that chose to help partner with the church and mentor us youngins. It was great. I loved it - the community, the authenticity, the mission, the worship. I heard the gospel message in new and fresh ways, understanding idolatry, the depravity of man, and the depths of my Pharisaical heart. The friends I made and mentors I had shaped my entire college experience. I am forever grateful for the older women that pursued me, welcomed me into their homes, studied the Bible with me, and met for coffee. So much coffee!
That summer and into the school year, I in turn helped engage students on campus and would meet with gals that had already visited our church. Getting to be a friendly face, listening ear, and encouraging voice for so many young women was an absolute gift! The many iced coffees at Cafe Medicci were just a bonus.:) God created me to enjoy 1:1 conversations and as a natural question-asker when it comes to getting to know someone. He's also given me a loving-yet-sometimes-creepy way to recognize people and remember names & details they've shared in the past. I've used this super power lots of times. This internship was one of my first jobs where I really felt like it was a good fit, blending my innate abilities and tendencies with my interests & core beliefs.
At times it felt a little odd to be that person - a semi-ambassador of the church. I could see how it seemed like I was trying to "sell" the experience of getting involved and connected. But really, if my motivations were right, I was simply inviting them into God's plan for their life - to trust Him fully and be a part of a local people who come together to worship and proclaim Jesus as Lord. It's a good thing!
Missing friends from college,


Sunday, November 19, 2017

Chapter 3 | Those White Ceremony Chairs

Dear Barr Mansion, You are magnificent, beautiful, and the epitome of dreams.
The house where the bride & groom get ready, drink champagne, & take photos. 
Barr Mansion is without a doubt an amazing wedding venue. If I had gobs of money, I would have loved to get married here. Instead I settled for a good alternative - working here. The venue is at the top of its game as the "first certified organic special events facility in the nation" and the owners have a farm to table approach, complete with onsite recycling and compost. If the setting and venue doesn't capture you, the food certainly will. I still remember all the servers would help themselves to dinner and extra cake between washing dishes and listening in on the speeches. 
Common ceremony spot, beneath the big pretty tree. 
 There are so many details that go into a person's wedding day, it was always fun to see the choices firsthand. I've witnessed many a first dance, cake cutting, and bouquet toss. Aside from the manual labor of helping set up decor, staging white ceremony chairs in the perfect arc, serving appetizers, and clearing plates - it was actually a pretty cushy job. Everyone's happy, the staff was huge so the burden of tasks was well distributed, and the best part - there were always flowers and extra party favors to take home. A true #workperk my roommates and I enjoyed. 
Typically the reception building, often with cocktail tables out on the patio. 
One of the aspects of this job I particularly appreciated was the flexibility. I think you were only obligated to work one event a month and you could just choose the dates and shifts you were available once the options were listed. I worked semi-infrequently with so many different people that I didn't become close friends with anyone (although a good friend of mine got hired after I did), but it was a great summer/fall job. 
Lots of different reception options with beautiful exposed wooden beams & high ceiling.
In 2010-2011 it was mighty popular to cap the night off with Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" blaring loud and proud. It was everyone's queue that the night was winding down and we'd be passing out bubbles or sparklers soon. Even though this was more of a food service/customer service position, it was a bridge to the events world - which I have always loved. Bringing people together, managing details, and pretty backdrops, I'm all for it!
For better or worse,


Saturday, November 18, 2017

Chapter 2 | Queso & Fish Tacos

My only other job in The Woodlands was as a server at Alamo Joe's, a quintessential Tex Mex restaurant that even had a cut out replica of the Alamo. This job started out rocky. I didn't do so great my first couple weeks on the job and had a pretty intense boss. He and another one of the lead servers were the exact opposite of encouraging, telling me it was "sink or swim" and initially it felt like I was sinking.

I was on the brink of quitting but for some reason decided to stick with it and try to both improve and just simply prove. Prove that I could do it. This sceanrio was one of the first times I can look back and recall how important managers and work environments are for mr. Wiith his energy focused on starting another restaurant in town, that guy kind of faded into ththe distance and another manager began taking over day to day operations. Once that happened, I actually did really well. Still a proud moment for me, I received the "Employee of the Month" only a few weeks later.

I somehow got the hang and pace of welcoming guests, filling water, placing orders, checking in, presenting the check and bussing tables. I mastered small talk and again, enjoyed the customer service component of the job. With margarita Mondays and taco Tuesdays, it became pretty clear what the popular orders would be. It was the first time I checked IDs, poured beer from tap, witnessed intensely drunk people, was flirted with by a co-worker, and met a person named Atticus who wasn't just a fictional character in Harper Lee's tale. For some reason that just sticks out to me. Tuesday night was a special night - the Bucks came in. If you were assigned their table and did a good job they would tip you $30. We all loved them! I would love to be a regular somewhere and pay it forward...literally.

I went back a few years ago and was visibly bummed to see it had turned into a Rico's, a chain restaurant. I didn't know the owners had changed so when I drove up in the parking lot, I kind of freaked out. I really wanted queso and those fish tacos! So unfortunately I can't go back, but I will always remember those colorful chairs and classify this as a good summer job. I gained confidence in interacting with people and managing busy situations and now appreciate good service and notice when it's bad.

Tip your servers, kids!


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Chapter 1 | The Smell of Waffle Cones

"Birthday Cake Remix." "Coffee Lovers Only." "Peanut Butter Cup Perfection." Not as well known, "Banana Caramel Crunch" is actually quite delicious, and don't overlook black cherries or graham cracker pie crust as mix-in options. When I'm with Mr. Fleece we usually settle on cake batter ice cream with raspberries. That's because Cold Stone Creamery has it all. Their flavors and mix-ins leave your taste buds dancing. Plus the servers sing when people tip!

To the tune of The Addams Family theme song -

"We're cheerful and we'll holler, because we got a dollar. We're thankful 'cause we all are, the Cold Stone family." 

I started working at Cold Stone the summer after my sophomore or junior year in high school. A quick 15 minute drive from my house, I have lots of memories working late, closing up, and driving home with the smell of waffle cones lingering on my clothes. I'd quietly tip toe into our house around midnight, head to the kitchen, and drink a cold glass of milk before sauntering off to bed. On a Friday or Saturday night, I remember making around $13 dollars an hour, which I saved a little, but probably spent most on movies & shopping. That good ol' high school life!

Other highlights included seeing how different flavors of ice cream were made and the one summer after my sophomore year in college when I returned to just decorate ice cream cakes. I was responsible for completing special orders and making sure the inventory was well stocked, but could essentially come in and clock my hours when I wanted. I did the whole process - build, freeze, ganache, frost, and write on cakes. It was a *sweet* gig.

It was my first time to work a cash register, first time to have coworkers, first time for work checklists, and first time providing customer service. As simple as serving ice cream can be, there were awkward conversations, long lines that didn't slow down, and your classic I-won't-be-satisfied grumpy customers. There were bathrooms to clean, floors to mop, and dishes to wash. I would be on my feet for hours on end and feel it the next day. On breaks, I'd wander next door to the Potbelly's and down a tuna sandwich or visit my best friend working at Starbucks, two stores down. Situated in the heart of a main shopping center, I would inevitably see or serve someone I knew. I always enjoyed that part too. I still remember the day Mr. Fleece & his dad came in for ice cream, surprising me :)

 It's definitely got a special place in my heart and I smile whenever I pass a Cold Stone. It was my first paycheck, after all.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Career Chronicles | Prologue

I like to joke that I collected internships during my time in college, and there's a fair amount of truth to that. Before graduating and moving to Seattle, I worked or interned with 10 different organizations/companies, and I absolutely loved it. With some true millennial blood, I enjoyed the experience of it all. Learning different systems & skills, getting an inside look at organizations & various work environments, but best of all, meeting and working alongside new people.

It's clear I enjoy the piece-meal approach to a career and no surprise that even now I'm working a few part-time jobs. There's certainly been many ups and downs along the way, especially when I allowed the infamous "what am I going to do with my life?" question haunt & define me.

So I've decided to take a step back into yesteryear and chronicle a bit of my nontraditional career path. It's an eclectic collection, but I recognize some patterns too. I'll share those along with more reflections in the epilogue. But first, there's many chapters to go.
Punching in my time card,


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Orange County Guidebook | Part 2

Los Angeles | Metropolis
The next day I designated as my downtown LA day. I left our hotel in Anaheim at 6am, braved the traffic craze, and made it to LA around 7:15. There's a few cheap parking surface lots where the maximum you have to pay is $8 for the whole day. From there I wandered through Grand Park, by the Walt Disney Music Hall, & in the Grand Central Market. I hung out at Blue Bottle Coffee (their avocado toast was excellent!), browsed The Last Bookstore and popped into the Public Central Library. All of these are very close to one another, within a 10 block area.
I was most excited about the Broad (a free contemporary art museum) & reserved a ticket ahead of time. I set timers on my phone so I wouldn't take too long since I decided to stop at the Griffith Observatory (a 25 minute drive from the downtown area) as well.
It was definitely a power breeze by through the city and both attractions, but I was glad I got a taste of each, especially since both have free entry. There are amazing views of the city from the Observatory and so many informative exhibits. I couldn't help but think about Sheldon and Lenard from the Big Bang Theory :) I bet it's very neat to visit at night!
Anaheim | Rollercoasters
We originally planned to go to Disneyland but opted for a more relaxed day. However, we did have an evening at Disney California Adventure as part of Mr. Fleece's program. We entered the park around 5pm & stayed in one area of the park after hours as part of our group. I hadn't been on a rollercoaster in years & forgot how much I love that slightly-scared-sweaty-palms feeling in anticipation of a new ride. Too late for fast passes, we discovered a shortcut by using the "single rider" lane. And that's how I rode California Screamin' three times within 30 minutes. Loved it! We also rode the Silly Symphony Swings, Arial's ride, Soarin', Radiator Springs Racers, & Guardian of the Galaxies - Mission Breakout! (the re-branded Tower of Terror). Stomach. Drop.
There was something about having time to myself with the freedom to make my own agenda & see/do/shop/eat wherever I chose. Having all my meals paid for throughout the trip was a huge perk! If we go back in the future, I'd want to hit up the Venice Canals, this amazing art festivalMelrose trading post, & an improv show at UCB

Thanks again, Liberty Mutual,


Monday, November 13, 2017

Orange County Guidebook | Part 1

True to word of mouth form, these recommendations all stemmed from other sources. In turn, here's what I'd pass along.

Fullerton | Shopping 
A super cute downtown area with lots of cute little stores, including a favorite of mine - Buffalo Exchange. I cozied up in Dripp Coffee for a while and then rambled through the following shops:
Share and Do Good
The Found Shop
Roadkill Ranch & Boutique
The Brick Basement

For dinner one evening we hit up the Anaheim Packing District, an upscale food court with lots of delicious trendy dining options. I opted for ADYA's pav, basically a sloppy joe but with Indian flavors & a coconut gelato popsicle dipped in chocolate from Popbar.
Laguna | Beach
Even in November, the beach is a must. After my morning in Fullerton, I drove about 30 minutes to Laguna, grabbed lunch from Zinc Market (spendy!) & strolled along the sandy beach. There are some cute shops here too, I'd recommend Aero, Tuvalu, & Brass Tack.
Orange Circle | Wish I'd had more time
On the last day, we explored the Orange Circle shopping area, which is super cute! I wish I had stopped in sooner because there were lots of little antique and boutique shops I didn't have time to explore. We grabbed lunch at Rutabegorz (with a menu as diverse as the Cheesecake Factory) & then I spent all my time trying on clothes from The Collection by Casa Teresa, a great re-sale shop with inexpensive prices. This was my best shopping of the whole trip & I finally scored the most classic clothing piece - the iconic blue jean jacket!

Up Next Downtown LA & Anaheim,


Saturday, November 11, 2017

Desert With One 'S'

You know you're on vacation when you...
  • consume pumpkin pie, pizza, a frappachino, an In N Out burger, plus chicken & waffles all in one day 
  • don't set an alarm to wake up
  • binge watch Riverdale season one
  • smell that National Park smell : )
Joshua Tree National Park is basically a jungle gym in a desert, surrounded by a lot of Dr. Seuss-looking trees. Spanning two deserts (Mojave & Colorado), the park is a rock-climbers paradise with more than 5,000 identified climbing routes. The Joshua trees were named after the prophet Joshua since the limbs mirror a prophet's outstretched arms. We'd recommend walking the 1 mile loop at Hidden Valley, driving through both sections of the park, & stopping at the Cholla Cactus garden.

If you're looking to stay nearby, consider this unique air bnb off the beaten path. About 15 minutes from the entrance of the park, this spot was so quiet, serene, & private. We left the curtains open & enjoyed an amazing sunrise over the desert fields. The pizza mentioned in the diet above was from Pie for the People - we ordered the "David Bowie." So good.
I can still feel the sun's rays,