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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Forks, Knives, & Spoonerisms

As a child I intentionally mixed up my words and phrases. Unfortunately, that sensation has not gone away as I've aged. I regularly spout out spoonerisms - what results when you flip the beginning sounds of consecutive words. Here are some of my recent examples -

"Jocket Packet" (meaning Jacket Pocket)
"Doat Bockings" (meaning Boat Dockings)

Or the famous one from my childhood, "Wrash Wrog" (meaning wash rag)

I also regularly embark on the impromptu game with Mr. Fleece I like to call "the cousin of catchphrase" - there's a word I'm thinking of but I can’t actually recall what it is, so I'll give an overview of the meaning and then say a word that comes to mind that I know isn't correct, but might be close enough for Mr. Fleece to figure it out. It's always terrible when he knows what word I'm thinking of and then I'm left stuck, frustrated, and still at a loss.

My approach is always to just throw a word out there, knowing it's incorrect but with the hope that there's some level of "sounds like" or association that Mr. Fleece can make the connection to what I really mean. It's baffling how regularly this occurs and how frequently I mix up my words.

I think it's because I'm speaking too fast or just willy-nilly talking without thinking. Regardless, it always makes for a good laugh. Speaking of which, here's one of our family's favorite jokes to re-tell.

What's the most religious bird?
My answer as a child: A woodpecker!

The real answer is supposed to be a "cardinal".



Thursday, April 12, 2018

Under the Weather and Over the Moon

Illness has been reigning in our house recently - sinus issues, allergies, colds, the whole lot. It's thrown our routine out the window & we've been more than a little shlumpy lately. Forget exercising and the dishes, let's get take out and just try to survive. Applesauce, chicken noodle soup, saltines, cereal, bananas, and Oreos :) have made an appearance in our little home. And lots of nasal rinses - shout out to the neti pot!

In the midst of one or both of us being sick, I've managed to watch all two seasons of the hit TV show "This is Us." When heard it described "as a show about emotions" and one in which "you'll need Kleenex nearby", I was almost certain I'd be sold. Turns out, it was even better than I anticipated. I enjoyed the characters and the weaving nature of the story line, and yes, the familial bonds and heartwarming monologues. With any period piece, I'm always drawn to the fashions and have been re-inspired by these relaxed bohemian looks sported by Mandy Moore's character.

So while sickness will always be a sour reality, we try to keep our spirits up and still make each other laugh. It always surprises me how Mr. Fleece can be a walking zombie physically but still make me chuckle with his witty ways. 
Gargling salt water,