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Thursday, October 18, 2018

Happy Due Date | Trivia

In honor of Norman's due date, I'm sharing some fun "Norman" themed trivia that I created! Take a stab and look for answers at the bottom of the page, below the picture. 

1.  Norman, Oklahoma is home to the largest university in the state whose mascot is pulled by what two animals that are part of the even-toed ungulate family? You can earn two extra points if you list the two animal’s names, hint it’s the same timely rally cry that the university students yell out. 

2.  In 1964 Norman Rockwell painted “The Problem We All Live With”, an iconic image of a black girl during the Civil Rights movement. From July to October 2011 the painting was temporarily installed in this  location of privilege. You can earn one extra point if you write the name of the little girl.

3.  Norman Bates is the fictional character portrayed by Anthony Perkins in the 1960 film directed by this person known as “The Master of Suspense”.

4.  Norman Wright will be named after his sober-minded great-grandfather who was born in 1919, the same year the 18th amendment was ratified. What did the 18th amendment say? You can earn an extra point if you name the amendment that repealed the 18th amendment.

5.  If Norman is born on his due date, he’ll share a birthday with this great showman who’s no longer singing in high school musicals.

6.  The novelist Norman Mailer has won this outstanding achievement award in two of the twenty-one possible categories. Earn up to two extra point if you can name the two categories, common in any library.

7.  Norman Island is at the southern tip of the British Virgin Islands and known to be part of the inspiration for this pirate novel, a tale of “buccaneers and buried gold”.

8.  Norman Reedus is still alive and plays Daryl Dixon on this hit television show that’s entering its 9th season this October.

9.  Known for its culinary reputation, art, and monuments - not to mention its infamous coastline, this is the second most popular tourist destination in France.

10. Tie breaker: Propose the best nickname for Norman Wright.




1. Horse, Boomer, Sooner (3 points possible)
2. White House/outside the Oval Office, Ruby Bridges (2)
3. Alfred Hitchcock (1)
4. Banned the manufacturing, sale, and drinking of alcohol. Repealed by the 21st amendment. (2)
5. Zac Effron (1)
6. Pulitzer Prize, Fiction and Non-fiction (3)
7. Treasure Island (1)
8. The Walking Dead (1)
9. Normandy (1) 
10. Post in comments below :) 

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

O Silent Night | Nursery Tour

Tonight feels a little like Christmas Eve as it's the night before NW's due date. I doubt he will actually arrive tomorrow, but the possibility still lingers. Each night from here on out will hold some of that same Yuletide magical anticipation, falling asleep with childlike excitement for a celebration ahead! And while there's no cozy armchair by a spruced up tree or halls decked in red, green, and white, I happily find myself in a rocking chair in a nursery trimmed in grey, white, brown, and blue. Visions of diapers and onesies dance in my head : ) Just as Mary and Joseph welcomed baby Jesus on that first Christmas, we'll be welcoming our own little son soon enough!
DIY "PLAY" screen print poster from SLU Block Party
Curtains and paintings originally from Target, purchased at Goodwill.
Rocking chair from Offer Up, lamp from friend.
Dresser purchased from old neighbors
Rug from Offer Up. Borrowed mini crib from friends.
Side table from old neighbors with DIY fabric added.
Family heirloom dresser. Prints from She Reads Truth.  
Trading Christmas carols for lullabies,


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Just the Two of Us

This Sunday, Mr. Fleece and I drove an hour east to Snoqualmie and took in the early morning sights of Gold Creek Pond. Recommended by a friend, we decided to walk the paved one mile hike around the pond for ourselves. Great for wheelchairs, non-hikers, strollers, and women almost 40 weeks pregnant :) the views you get are well worth the drive. We took two laps and spent some time making Ebony run back and forth in a grassy field.
While I love the urban feel (and convenience!) of Greenlake - there's nothing like getting out of the house around sunrise and driving toward the mountains. While temperatures were frigid at 29 degrees, in October no less, I loved the peaceful fog rolling across the surface of the water and the salmon swimming about. The feeling of the sun's rays when the beams finally made it over the top of the crest was pretty magical too!
Making it back into the city for our 11am church gathering was just the cherry on top - we felt quite accomplished having already enjoyed so much of the day! From there we walked to lunch in Pike Place Market at a Bolivian restaurant called Copacobana, sitting on the outdoor patio, overlooking the hustle and bustle. 
I love experiencing both the wild and the city all in one day!

Living like locals,


Monday, October 15, 2018

The Future | Maternity Photoshoot

It's almost impossible not to ponder and await the future when you're pregnant. That future-focused mindset is somewhat embedded into the whole experience - the constantly approaching due date and growing anticipation of meeting your child. I'm not immune to these natural inclinations. Every night that I fall asleep I wonder will tonight be the night? Is that a contraction or just him kicking and moving around my tiny bladder?  :)

If it wasn't clear before, it's certainly clear now - I do not know the future. I do not know when Norman will arrive. I do not know if there will be complications. I do not know if he'll have hair, or birthmarks, or jaundice, or how much he'll weigh.

Instead, I want to focus on what I do know. 
I know that I'm still pregnant. 
I know that these finals days are a sweet time of excitement and joy. 
I know every full night of sleep is a gift. 
I know Mr. Fleece loves me.
I know we have the support and prayers of many. 
Most importantly, I believe there's a holy personal God who knows and cares for me and is sustaining me through this process and enormous life change. 

For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities - all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. - Colossians 1:16-17
Enjoying the little things as I await this little one,