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Sunday, November 13, 2022

Life Wright Now | October 2022

October felt like it was three months long for our family! We partied our way through four birthdays, so enjoyed hosting my parents, squeezed in a weekend getaway to Ellensburg, and sported whiskers for Halloween. 

Other highlights:
- Starting a new 3-day a week childcare routine with "Mrs. Sarah's School" 
- Hearing the twins say more words!
- Two double dates
- Breaking out the rainboots again
- Kelsey Creek Farm for EDW and CCW's birthdays 
- Riding the Monorail as a family on NLW's birthday
- Excursions to Woodland Park Zoo, Children's Museum, Pike Place Market, Seahurst Park 

Watching | Clips from Schitt's Creek 
I flipped through this coffee table book over the weekend which provides a ton of behind the scenes facts, tidbits, and quotes. It prompted me to re-watch a bunch of the most memorable lines/scenes from this silly-happy show. 

Eating | My dad's French Toast :) 

Reading | Mom Milestones: The Highs, Lows, Surprises, and Joys of Early Motherhood
This was a feel-good two-sitting read, perfect for my "Motherhood" prompt for October. I want to gift a copy to every mom friend I know :) 

Listening | Taylor Swift's Midnights album
My favorites are: Anti-HeroMidnight RainMaroon

Hibernation ahead, 


Saturday, November 12, 2022

When Life is Just Playtime | NLW Turns 4

Year four was undoubtedly the year of the balance bike! We absolutely loved watching you learn that new skill and it's made our outings and treks to Hiawatha so much more fun. 

This was also the year of:
- Disney movies on the weekends...aka the year of Robin Hood :) 
- Mr. Rogers episodes 
- First time sledding 
- First family road trips
- Potty training hiccups
- Continued love of stories, animals, and trucks 
- Baking with Nicole 
- Mrs. Meghan's

Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Animal: Snake
Favorite Movie: Robin Hood, Aristocats 
Favorite Song: We're going on a Dragon Hunt
Favorite Album: Wee Sing for Halloween 
Favorite Soundtrack: Peter Pan
Favorite Book: Twenty Big Trucks in the Middle of the Street

We celebrated on the 21st with special Seattle Center activites, cake, and friends!

What do you want to be when you grow up: "I don't want to be anything. I don't want to grow up. I just want to be me. I'll just be Norman."

- SJW 
(Find our favorite books from the past year here.)