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Thursday, December 26, 2024

Christmas Card | 2024

If we could sum up 2024 in three words, it’d likely be “buzz the beach,” our phrase for making quick visits to the shorelines along Puget Sound. The picture on the back of the card is a classic example – pit stop to check out the waves on a windy day. We also discovered the immense joy of super low tides at Alki Beach. I joke that I’ll start reading out tide charts over breakfast so as not to miss any next year! 

July brought a beach upgrade (i.e. warmer water temps) when we traveled to Hawaii. Oahu made for a good "mid-point" for meeting up with Sarah’s sister who's currently stationed in Okinawa. We loved the scenery and shave ice, but were most excited to meet our new family member, cousin KHR! We also got family time with the Wrights in Connecticut and an Egley family reunion in Minnesota – Forever grateful for the times we get to spend with family! 

Our daily life is filled with playtime fun! Our trio can be found drawing/coloring or building zoos, forts, or obstacle courses in the basement. Stuffed animals, Legos, and magnet tiles reign supreme, and like many families across America, this was a year of Paw Patrol fandom :)

NLW started Kindergarten and has been reading on his own! He maintained an ongoing obsession with marine animals and loves drawing and labeling them. We experienced two “reptile guy” presentations this year and held snakes, a turtle, and a chameleon. NLW is a super sweet friend and can be heard saying endearing things like “you’re not too small. everyone’s big enough to do something”. 

The twins had a year full of milestones and we’ve officially said good-bye to cribs, pacifiers, and diapers! They are at the same in-home preschool with our amazing nanny and are now writing their names, counting backward, and biking with hand brakes. 

EDW has fully adopted the hygge way of life -- cozy is her favorite adjective and snuggle is her favorite verb. She loves indoor pretend play and dressing up. My favorite look consists of pink sparkly princess dress + swim goggles + pirate hat.

CCW loves building structures and is constantly surprising us with his creativity – his art, comments, jokes, food combinations, and even his ability to avoid fulfilling a request i.e. “my hands are having quiet time.” He is somehow both always on the move and very focused on activities.

We hope you get to buzz a beach, lake, or pond nearest you. 
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Life Wright Now | November 2025

I was a workaholic in November, burning the candle at all ends! Knowing that would be the case, I proactively carved out time for a mini overnight to Fremont for me and Mr. Fleece. We often crave time to lounge, veg, and watch TV, and we made time for exactly that -- I joke that the "hidden gem" we found during our Seattle staycation was Netflix. I'm continuing the personal downtime through December, enjoying an extended hiatus from my executive assistant work. I go back after New Year's and am attempting to tackle relaxation and domestic projects in equal measure. 

More Highlights:
- Family excursions to the zoo and Discovery Park
- Thanksgiving dinner with friends
- Misfit's Thanksgiving with Mr. Fleece's coworkers
- Brunch and Christmas Tree farm with friends
- Hitting a good stride with sibling playtime
- Breaking out the children's snowsuits

Watching | America's Sweethearts
As a Texan and former drill team dancer, this Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders documentary show hit home. I loved learning about the enterprise, seeing the tryout process, and following the personal stories of the featured women. The culture, the dedication, the rigor, the makeup -- it made for great TV, but in my opinion, it's the director, Kelli Finglass who steals the show with her leadership and vision.

Eating & Drinking | Fremont + Wallingford Eateries
During our staycation we got takeout from Musashi's -- sushi rolls that were inexpensive, delicious, and huge! We hung out at Stoneway Cafe for a while and also grabbed lunch at Local Tide, per my friend's recommendation to try their smash burger. Backyard Bagel and Cracklemi are still on my bucket list!

Reading | Be Ready When the Luck Happens by Ina Garten
This was an absolute treat to listen to! The epitome of feel-good storytelling. 

Listening | The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling
I found this podcast series fascinating, thought provoking, nuanced, and helpful in understanding/revisiting aspects of culture over the past 25+ years. It covers Harry Potter mania, Rowling's personal life, social media, transgender rights, and more. Definitely recommend!

Hibernation mode,


Friday, November 1, 2024

Life Wright Now | October 2024

With four birthdays, October was very celebratory for our family! We splurged on a deluxe Airbnb (which I booked back in January!) and invited our parents to join us on Whidbey Island for a long weekend. It was absolutely splendid. We loved having my mom stay for all the kids' birthdays. She handled breakfast every morning—such a treat for me—and she was able to walk NLW to and from school—such a treat for her. We also wrapped up swim lessons and hosted a fun and simple Octonauts birthday party for NLW. 

More Highlights:

- Stunning full-bow rainbows in West Seattle! Two in one week. 
- Seeing seals and bald eagles from our Whidbey deck
- Watching kite surfers in 29 mph winds!!!
- EDW enjoying her first princess dress—I think she looks like Glinda
- Loving the kid chopsticks they received as birthday gifts
- Wearing Halloween jammies
- Running into NLW's classmate at Constellation Beach sunset
- Taking off work on my birthday
- Listening to the Wee Sing for Halloween album, like we do every year :)
- Trick-or-Treating—aka us constantly saying "Take one piece and say thank you" 

Watching | Elemental
I watched this for the first time on my birthday and loved it! It's visually imaginative with a storyline that's grounded in the immigrant experience. The love story of the main characters made Mr. Fleece and me tear up, and we laughed at the funny parts. It's my kind of movie and reminded me of seeing Inside Out or Zootopia for the first time. I also watched Good Chemistry, featuring the writer and director, Peter Sohn. Would recommend both!

Eating & Drinking | 100 Grand
It was a dessert-heavy month! S'mores, pumpkin pie, birthday cake x3, pudding, coffee cake, egg nog, and last but not least, Halloween candy! 100 Grand candy bars are a newly discovered favorite—I currently prefer them over Twix and KitKat. 

Reading | The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhorn
While procrastinating David Copperfield for Book Club, I landed on a book I had seen a lot of buzz about earlier in the year. I picked it up based on a friend's recommendation and went in blind. It was a compelling story told in part through diary entries and I only learned afterward it was based on a real midwife and her journals in the late 1700s! Maybe that unexpected "twist" made me love it even more, but I think the story and life of Martha Ballard hold up regardless. She was an incredibly strong-willed and determined woman and I enjoyed seeing how her profession allowed her to intersect with so many in her community. Would recommend to anyone looking for a great historical fiction option! 

Listening | Fall Extravaganza Podcast Episode 
Listened to this gem of an episode while walking through our neighborhood on a crisp fall day. It's cheery and festive in the best possible way. Thank you, Kelsey and Erica for celebrating "Falliday" and amplifying "small fall" joys.

Nearing Election Day,


Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Hearts, Hugs, and Kisses | Parenting Reflections

Mother's Day is great, but October is always the month where I reflect on motherhood and try to prioritize a parenting book. It's the month when I became a mom and met my kids. As I mark six years of being a mom, I'm sharing a hodgepodge of parenting notes to try to encapsulate my parenting experience and approach: 

Motherhood is incredibly personal (my unique circumstances, feelings, personality, experiences) yet comfortingly universal (oh, you too have a child to feed, nap, love, and care for). 

As soon as I had more than one child, I realized how drastically different they are and how much temperament influences circumstances and interactions. 

Parenting is a lot of things. I often find it both pleasant and unpleasant.

Do the things you want to do with your children. For me that's going to parks, discovering new library books, and reading aloud. 

It stinks to have a tantruming child in a public setting or to be the one apologizing that your child threw rocks/sand/pushed etc. been there, done that. Move along. 

Your child can have a hard time no matter what their age, even if you "think they should know better." Give grace, offer a hug, make amends, and move forward. 

So. Many. Snacks. I've chopped hundreds of pounds of produce. 

I long for my children to use their words, remain patient, listen well, and be calm, kind, and generous! 

I love that our Pre-K used the terms "cold prickly" and "warm fuzzy" to describe actions instead of "being mean." Helps differentiate that their choice was unkind but you're not calling the child bad. 

I'll always have a sweet spot for three-year olds. 

I've attempted to be as nonchalant about food as possible. Very thankful food/dinner table battles haven't ruled our household (at least not yet!). 

Cry it out is so hard in the moment, but was incredibly effective for us. 

It doesn't really matter what brand of stroller you get -- learning how to emotionally regulate and communicate with your spouse during stress is far more essential :) 

Reliable and trustworthy childcare is a gift! I am specifically grateful for Nicole, Mrs. Meghan, Mrs. Sarah, and the teenagers in our neighborhood who have helped pour into our kids and care for them so well.

I love being a mother to my three children. 

Sometimes my children make me miserable (such whiplash from the statement directly above!)

It's so nice when your child sleeps more than 10 hours at night. Whatever age that comes for you, enjoy it. Also don't be a fool and sqaunder it by staying up until 1am putzing around on the internet haha! 

We've had our share of pre 6am wake-ups/starts to our day. For whatever reason, getting to 6:30am feels much more manageable. 

It takes effort to clean your house when you have young children at home. Some days you'll want to give that effort and other days you won't. I've accepted that my house will be messier/more cluttered than I'd prefer. While I'm grateful to have friends that won't judge me based on the state of my home, I've found that inviting someone over is the surest way to motivate me to get some dishes done :) 

My favorite thing about parenting alongside Mr. Fleece is that I have someone to gush with in equal measure. We are equally enamored with our children's cuteness. 

Still determining our approach to "extracurriculars" and activities. So far, swim lessons is our first and only activity. Until this school year, we've done no classes -- no music, no dance, no Little Gym, no sports, no storytimes. For now "we beach, we play, we read." I really like the concentrated family time we have and will be curious to see how this evolves over time. 

I have yet to embrace baking or arts and crafts with my children. I hesitantly joined the playdough train. I do like including them when I'm cooking, and love seeing them on stepstools/learning tower in the kitchen. 

Nothing beats an unsolicited hug or "I love you" from your offspring :) 

Getting a library card is like having free year-round access to Santa's workshop!

We own a nugget couch and were gifted a second one. They are worth the hype and have provided us with many rounds of three billy goats gruff. 

Cheers to all the people tending to a newborn. Cheers to all the twin parents. Cheers to all the caregivers that get their children dressed and ready for school drop-off. Cheers to all the snack makers. We're doing great!

We've opted to limit sweets/desserts to the weekends and special occasions. Provides predictability, anticipation, and a balance. All three things are welcome! We've opted to limit screen time to the weekends for similar reasons.

Our three go-to meals are eggs, quesadillas, charcuterie board.
Our three go-to veggies are frozen peas, broccoli, and cucumbers.
Our three go-to fruits are apples, bananas, and frozen blueberries.
Our three go-to canned goods are pumpkin purée, corn, and beans.

My Favorite Resources
Kids Eat in Color -- like her Instagram for tidbits
Taking Cara Babies Sleep Schedules
Big Little Feelings
Good Inside Online Workshops
The Busy Toddler -- the curriculum our kids do with our nanny
Sessions with my personal therapist :) 

My Favorite Books
How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen: A Survival Guide to Life with Children Ages 2-7
Positive Discipline for Preschoolers
A Heart that Works -- not a traditional parenting book, but a beautiful portrait of a parent's love
Montessori Toddler: A Parent's Guide to Raising a Curious and Responsible Human Being
Bringing Up Bébé: One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom of French Parenting
Mom Milestones: The TRUE Story of the First Seven Years 
Raising Emotionally Strong Boys: Tools Your Son Can Build on For Life 
Next in my Queue: Good Inside: A Guide to Becoming the Parent You Want To Be 

Top 5 Favorite Toys
Stuffed animals
Brio train tracks
Play food
Magnet tiles  

Misc. Phrases we say
"You're having trouble listening. I'm going to help you X." 
"I hear a crying [NAME]. Let's go check in and help make things right."
"I'm giving you a chance to X. If you want to X by yourself, the time is now." 
"Get ready to listen, learn, play, and share" (said at drop-off)
"I have a customer for you" (said when handing off a child to another parent)

The most helpful pieces of advice I've come across:
1. Be enthusiastic about the things your children are enthusiastic about. 
2. If you're feeling overwhelmed and every day feels hard, focus on these nine minutes of the day: first 3 minutes when they wake up, first 3 minutes when you pick them up from care/wake them up from their nap, last 3 minutes of the day
3. Give each child 10 minutes of undivided attention every day. This can be a real moodbooster!
4. Offer choices. 
5. Learn about brain development in children. In general, take a step back and don't get so hung up on when/how you're going to introduce solids, potty train, drop the paci, transition out of cribs etc. 
6. When interacting with an irrational toddler think or say aloud to yourself "I am 34 years old. You are 3 years old." to help put in perspective that hey, they're so young and still learning! 
7. Don't spend so much energy trying to envision other people's lives (i.e. "how does that mom/dad/family manage?"). Or at least pause and ask yourself if you want to be spending so much of your energy in that comparison trap. 
8. When in doubt -- turn on some music or go outside.
9. Parents set the menu, deciding what and when my children are offered food. The child decides if and how much they will eat. 
10. Remain calm and patient. When a child "acts out," take a breath rather than offense.

Still wild to me that I'm a mother of three! It makes sense that I'm still finding my way and making adjustments as I go -- I'm just in Kindergarten when it comes to parenting :) At the same time, I joke that with a 6 year old, 4 year old, and 4 year old, I've been parenting for 14 years! The biggest lesson I've learned along the way is to extend grace and kindness to myself and those around me. 

Proof of mom :) 

Monday, October 28, 2024

Story Time | Year 6

Some of my favorite snapshots of book time over the past year:

Drenched in books,