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Thursday, December 26, 2024

Christmas Card | 2024

If we could sum up 2024 in three words, it’d likely be “buzz the beach,” our phrase for making quick visits to the shorelines along Puget Sound. The picture on the back of the card is a classic example – pit stop to check out the waves on a windy day. We also discovered the immense joy of super low tides at Alki Beach. I joke that I’ll start reading out tide charts over breakfast so as not to miss any next year! 

July brought a beach upgrade (i.e. warmer water temps) when we traveled to Hawaii. Oahu made for a good "mid-point" for meeting up with Sarah’s sister who's currently stationed in Okinawa. We loved the scenery and shave ice, but were most excited to meet our new family member, cousin KHR! We also got family time with the Wrights in Connecticut and an Egley family reunion in Minnesota – Forever grateful for the times we get to spend with family! 

Our daily life is filled with playtime fun! Our trio can be found drawing/coloring or building zoos, forts, or obstacle courses in the basement. Stuffed animals, Legos, and magnet tiles reign supreme, and like many families across America, this was a year of Paw Patrol fandom :)

NLW started Kindergarten and has been reading on his own! He maintained an ongoing obsession with marine animals and loves drawing and labeling them. We experienced two “reptile guy” presentations this year and held snakes, a turtle, and a chameleon. NLW is a super sweet friend and can be heard saying endearing things like “you’re not too small. everyone’s big enough to do something”. 

The twins had a year full of milestones and we’ve officially said good-bye to cribs, pacifiers, and diapers! They are at the same in-home preschool with our amazing nanny and are now writing their names, counting backward, and biking with hand brakes. 

EDW has fully adopted the hygge way of life -- cozy is her favorite adjective and snuggle is her favorite verb. She loves indoor pretend play and dressing up. My favorite look consists of pink sparkly princess dress + swim goggles + pirate hat.

CCW loves building structures and is constantly surprising us with his creativity – his art, comments, jokes, food combinations, and even his ability to avoid fulfilling a request i.e. “my hands are having quiet time.” He is somehow both always on the move and very focused on activities.

We hope you get to buzz a beach, lake, or pond nearest you. 
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Life Wright Now | November 2025

I was a workaholic in November, burning the candle at all ends! Knowing that would be the case, I proactively carved out time for a mini overnight to Fremont for me and Mr. Fleece. We often crave time to lounge, veg, and watch TV, and we made time for exactly that -- I joke that the "hidden gem" we found during our Seattle staycation was Netflix. I'm continuing the personal downtime through December, enjoying an extended hiatus from my executive assistant work. I go back after New Year's and am attempting to tackle relaxation and domestic projects in equal measure. 

More Highlights:
- Family excursions to the zoo and Discovery Park
- Thanksgiving dinner with friends
- Misfit's Thanksgiving with Mr. Fleece's coworkers
- Brunch and Christmas Tree farm with friends
- Hitting a good stride with sibling playtime
- Breaking out the children's snowsuits

Watching | America's Sweethearts
As a Texan and former drill team dancer, this Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders documentary show hit home. I loved learning about the enterprise, seeing the tryout process, and following the personal stories of the featured women. The culture, the dedication, the rigor, the makeup -- it made for great TV, but in my opinion, it's the director, Kelli Finglass who steals the show with her leadership and vision.

Eating & Drinking | Fremont + Wallingford Eateries
During our staycation we got takeout from Musashi's -- sushi rolls that were inexpensive, delicious, and huge! We hung out at Stoneway Cafe for a while and also grabbed lunch at Local Tide, per my friend's recommendation to try their smash burger. Backyard Bagel and Cracklemi are still on my bucket list!

Reading | Be Ready When the Luck Happens by Ina Garten
This was an absolute treat to listen to! The epitome of feel-good storytelling. 

Listening | The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling
I found this podcast series fascinating, thought provoking, nuanced, and helpful in understanding/revisiting aspects of culture over the past 25+ years. It covers Harry Potter mania, Rowling's personal life, social media, transgender rights, and more. Definitely recommend!

Hibernation mode,