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Monday, November 26, 2012

23 Stripes

I celebrated my 23rd birthday a few weeks ago with a themed party.
As with all my parties, I made trivia! See how many you get right. Answers are posted below.

1.  This alphabet loving pair puts on skits and sings songs for children. One wears horizontal stripes and the other wears vertical stripes.

2. This classic board game has a woodsman that wears red and white stripes.

3. This stripes wearing mascot has the “smile known around the world” and is second only to Santa Claus in terms of recognition.

4. In 2003 Mike Myers starred as this classic character who entertains Sally and Conrad on a boring rainy day.

5. Inspired by sailors, Coco Chanel introduced this design to the fashion world through her nautical collection in 1917.

6. This actor plays the voice of Marty the striped zebra in the Madagascar movies.

7. The cartoonist Bill Watterson created this comic featuring an adventurous 6 year old boy and his striped friend.

8.  B1 and B2 are the names of the main characters on the kid’s show Bananas in Pajamas. Name the colors of the stripes on their pajamas.

9. This object dates back to the middle ages and has a helix of colored stripes acting as a trademark to signify a particular shop.

10. Candy Stripes, broken ladder, and Chinese staircase, are all patterns of this amicable gift.

11. This mischievous cartoon character wreaks havoc on his neighbors while wearing his red overalls and blue and black striped shirt.

12. With their hit, “Seven Nation Army,” this band won the 2004 Grammy for Best Rock Song.

13. This 2006 novel focuses on Bruno, a 9-year-old boy growing up during World War II in Berlin.

14. Although much better known for its major league baseball team, this famous building hosts The PinStripe Bowl , an annual college football  bowl game.

15. An abandoned zebra gains the help of barnyard friends and a teenage girl in this 2005 film.

Party Food, Details, & Drinks:

 Homemade Photo booth:
 Answers to Trivia:
1. Bert and Ernie
2. Candyland
3. Ronald McDonald
4. Cat in the Hat
5. Breton Stripes
6. Chris Rock
7. Calvin & Hobbes
8. Blue and White
9. Barber’s Pole
10. Friendship Bracelets
11. Dennis the Menace
12. The White Stripes
13. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
14.Yankee Stadium
15.Racing Stripes

Thankful for these new (theme-adhering) friends. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! I finally got my Sarah trivia fix. 7/15. Did I beat Kylee??

    1. Bert & Ernie
    2. ?
    3. ?
    4. Cat in the Hat
    5. Stripes?
    6. Chris Rock
    7. Calvin & Hobbes
    8. ?
    9. ?
    10. Chinese finger trap??
    11. Dennis the Menace
    12. The White Stripes
    13. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
    14. ?
    15. ?
