Before reaching San Francisco, Mr. Fleece & I spent 4 days camping in some pretty amazing places. We witnessed serene sand dunes, crystal clear water & tremendously tall trees. The weather was beautiful & the company perfect : )
Here's where we stayed & what we enjoyed:
Jessie M. Honeyman State Park in Oregon: 1 night
-making a "hobo dinner"
-jumping off the sand dunes
-camping for the first time together
Crater Lake National Park in Oregon: 1 night
-seeing Crater Lake for the first time
-witnessing some wildlife (deer)
-hiking around Crater Lake
Humboldt Redwood State Park in California: 2 nights
-Hiking through the redwoods
-Finding a swimming hole to enjoy
-Playing bocce ball at our campsite
We loved seeing & experiencing God's beauty in nature. He makes so many majestic things : )
Happy Camper,