I have an interesting situation that I've gotten myself into and I'm hoping to get out of. Buckle up, it's a bit complicated. It all started with American Express's promotion where if I spent $100 on Airbnb, I'd get $50 back. This sounded immediately like a great present to give to my wife for Valentine's day, since she loves Airbnb! I needed to make the purchase prior to Valentine's day since the promotion was going to run out before then. So I decided that I would just purchase the giftcard for myself and then somehow transfer it to my lovely wife later so that I could surprise her on Valentine's day. So I created an Airbnb account (never having had one before) to make my purchase.
Much to my dismay, I found that I could not buy the giftcard for myself! I had to send it to another email address. Not to be discouraged, I created a second account with my business email address, and had the giftcard sent to that one. Success! I repeated the offer again with my second American Express credit card to obtain a total of $200! On Valentine's day, I "gave" her the giftcards (just paper with the Airbnb logo and $100 printed on them). She was incredibly happy and it was a big success. I go to redeem the giftcards and I find that I can only redeem them to my business email. I redeem them and don't worry about them for a while since my lovely wife wasn't yet ready to book a trip.
Over the next couple of months, I begin to worry that the $200 of giftcards might be trapped on my account. I have very little of an online presence and it may not be possible for me to get verified. My lovely wife, on the other hand, is a bit more of a social network butterfly and has always been the one who books our Airbnb stays. The time has arrived where we are trying to book a trip and I must free the $200 from the grips of my unverified, socially depressed account and liberate them to the account of my lovely wife.
Do you know how I could go about doing that? I also wouldn't mind consolidating my two accounts down into one and verifying it, but I worry that I'm too much of an online hermit for me to be verified. Let me know what I must do to bring this saga to a close. Thanks!
Planning a trip to the San Juan Islands,
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