Some day I may buy something from an actual retail box store rather than scouring Craigslist, Garage Sales, or Goodwill. When that day comes, I plan to start with World Market. They currently have a "small space" collection & a "mid-century modern" collection that I admire. Here are the items on my won't-actually-happen-very-unrealistic wish list.
$229.99 Jacquard Print Upholstered Neyla Armchair |
$229.99 Rose Pink Tyley Chair |
$549.99 Charcoal Gray Nolee Folding Sofa Bed |
$449.99 Wood Flynn Hairpin Dining Table |
$31.96 Aqua Henley Salad Plates Set of 4 |
$24.99 Gigi Floral Table Runner |
$279.99 Green Hazel Split Back Dining Chairs Set of 2 |
Saving up,
These are so Sarah!!!! I LOVE the dining table. Praying that you'll find some similar pieces at a super trendy Seattle hipster's garage sale! :)