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Sunday, September 10, 2023

First Camping Trip | Summer 2023

Camping with children -- we can cross it off the bucket list. We took a five year hiatus and came back in full force! Three nights, two days as Schafer State Park. Kids all did well and slept through the night just fine. Our saving grace was borrowing our neighbor's 8-person tent with a zipper screen down the middle creating a "room" for the twins in pack n plays and a "room" for Mr. Fleece, NLW, and me. 

It was a lot of work to get there, but felt like everyone was old enough for the trip to feel doable and be successful -- proud of how well Mr. Fleece and I worked together and for making it happen! 

Felt a little foolish leaving Seattle at 6:30pm to race the sunset to our campsite but it ended up working well -- we assembled out tent wearing headlamps and then put everyone straight to bed. 

Saturday: Explored the campgrounds and met up with our friends. We had a low point of trying for naps in the tents (a failed attempt!) but enjoyed a sunny warm afternoon playing in the river. 

Sunday: Opted for car naps and a beach excursion to Ocean Shores. We went to two playgrounds and "buzzed the beach" -- super exhilerating, especially because the tide was coming in and we had parked on the beach :) 

Monday: Left our campsite by 8:30 to beat Labor Day traffic and stopped at Portage Bay for breakfast once we made it back to Seattle. The perfect way to celebrate this milestone as a family!

- So much biking!!
- Hanging with P&B&H
- Mint Oreos
- Hot chcolate :)
- Hammocking
- Twins first time to see the Pacific Ocean!
- Opting for "casual" attitudes instead of stress -- such a great reframing

*This trip made possible by the three families from whom we borrowed gear -- Thank you!*
Out last hurrah of summer,


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